HPC and BigData (6 ECTS)
The HPC and BigData is a elective course in the MSc computer Science program of the the joined porgram VU-UvA, it is thus worth 6 ECTS for MSc students.
Theory (mandatory):
Lectures (6 hours) : Introduction to distributed systems and BigData. The lectures covers a number of key topics in the field of high performance computing, namely
- Parallel programming models (45mn)
- Big Data/ MapReduce (45mn)
- Grid computing /Cloud Computing (45 mn)
- SOA and Web Service (45mn)
- Workflow (45 mn)
<p >workshops (mandatory):
- Students will have to attend all workshops and do the assignments, the 4 highest grades of the workshop assignments will be counted in the final grade.
Course evaluation: Students will have to submit:
- 4 out of the 5 workshops assignments practical assignments
- the Reading assignment which consists in reading and summarizing two selected papers.
Registration: via https://www.sis.uva.nl. (Course enrolment through SIS is done per semester) if you are late you can still register as follows:
FNWI students that have not yet enrolled can still do so via this form in Datanose special enrole link:
for more inforamtion about registration see Registration
Students from other faculties can send an email to this email address: vakaanmelding-fnwi@uva.nl with their request.